What's most interesting about this flick is that director Tony Scott and screenwriter Brian Helgeland manage to make both the protagonist and antagonist equally charismatic. Ryder (Travolta, in a handlebar mustache and neck tattoo), recently released from prison for embezzlement, wants to make a wad of dough by holding a train full of subway passengers hostage in exchange for $10 million, while teaching an abject lesson in humility.
Garber (Washington) is a Joe Schmoe transit dispatcher who just happens to be the guy who takes Ryder's call, and ends up forming a rapport with the killer. He's competent, forthright, and puts his own neck on the line while the politicians dither, so the audience naturally roots for him.
"Pelham" is a remake of a 1974 film starring Robert Shaw as the heavy and Walter Matthau (!) as Garber. Scott and his cast and crew retain that film's gritty urban vibe while offering a stylish update.
DVD extras are ample and impressive. Washington and Travolta don't do a commentary track, but are well represented in other features. Commentary duties are left to Scott on his own track, and Helgeland and producer Todd Black on the other.
A 30-minute making-of documentary offers plenty of behind-the-scenes insight, including the fact that the guy playing Travolta's loud-mouth henchman was a real-life Albanian mobster.
There's also a 16-minute featurette about the extensive participation of the New York transit system in shutting down subway lines for filming. Also several theatrical trailers, and a 5-minute featurette about Scott working with a hairstylist to get his actors' look just right.
In addition to these extras, the Blu-ray version also comes with a digital copy of the film.
Movie: 3 stars
Extras: 3.5 stars
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